Thursday, May 21, 2009

What's The Story, Morning Glory?

Did you know:

"If you eat one hundred Morning Glory seeds,
you will go to Morning Glory heaven?
Heavenly blues, pearly gates, and flying saucers
will do the trick."

Who ever knew that the seeds of these pretty little flowers which are sold in the florist department at Stop & Shop's worldwide was a psychadelic drug?

ADVENTURE's w. J and J!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Buddha Is My Om Boy

Just picked up "Why Lazarus Laughed: The Essential Doctrine" by Wei Wu Wei. One chapter/life lesson in and I'm hooked. I just may buy the super-saver pack on Amazon and read everything he's ever penned.

I have a tendency of doing that; clinging to one (or ten) authors for a significant period of time before getting B-O-R-E-D and moving on up the written ladder.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Black Beach Boogie

Dude, that looks like fun.

The Faces / The Creeping Legs

All of my life I've harbored a love for traveling, and Austrailia has always been at the highest priority on my list of places to visit before I turn 30.

That was until today, when I read this article which briefly explains the appearance of the "bird-eating" spiders which have suddenly crawled out from their natural habitats located in the heart of the Austrailian outback, and into the realm of human society.

I think my ridiculous fear of arachnids has suddenly become less ridiculous, and after reading the Wikipedia article for arachnophobia, I feel almost proud to be in the "arachnophobe" cult.