I have always been drawn to photography, notably black and white, but not exclusively. There have been many color prints that have caught my fascination as well. A year ago, I bought myself a Canon Rebel XTi with the full intentions of teaching myself the tips and tricks of taking a good photograph, but I regret to say that my hopes have fallen by the wayside.
Now, I'm not a terrible photographer and I've gotten plenty of compliments on my skills (see my Flickr page if you'd like to judge for yourself and please don't feel the need to be cushy; I can handle constructive criticism) but I feel as if I still have a long road to travel, and I can feel the potential slipping away everytime I pick up my camera again.
I put it down for months, without a backwards glance, and then one day my fingers tingle and I snap away at nothing in particular until I feel as if I have something worth showing. It's not that my life is dull and I have no hobbies, or that I don't think that I could pick up a guidebook and learn myself, it's truly that I want to learn. I want to know how to take photographs that people will think about.
Food for thought, at least.
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