Tuesday, January 27, 2009

And I Feel Fine..?

Google Reader, which I have become obsessed with as I flat out refuse to watch the news on the tele and/or read a newspaper (because they make my fingers dirty), passed along this interesting little tidbit regarding Cern's Large Hadron Collider to my inbox this morning.

Now, prior to settling my butt on the couch for one entire Sunday afternoon spent dutifully watching the entire Apocolypse Special on the History Channel, I truly had no idea what a black hole was. Nor was I aware that Nostradamus, and countless other prophets and ancient civilizations, had predicted the coming "End of Days" which is supposedly set to occur in December of 2012. Coincidence? I think not.

I think it's safe to say that we, as a civilization of people who absolutely need this world as it is to survive, should be a wee bit nervous when this thing gets turned on. On a personal level, I am not ready to be sucked into a giant black hole, nor am I prepared to watch the rest of the planet get sucked into said black hole.

Some people just like to push the envelope as far as possible, I suppose. But, hey, they'll be the first to go, right? Standing there with their protective goggles and scientist suits on. At least the smart will die first. HA. Seriously though, if you're not sure that the world won't end when you flip the little green button (ready, set, GO!), why would you even flip it in the first place?

On a slight side note, see this for five other possible ways that the world could end, and then please procede to have a HAPPY TUESDAY!

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