Wednesday, January 28, 2009


My roadtripping plans have changed.

Rather than only seeing Memphis, and only dining on Memphis-style BBQ, we're going to head on down to Nashville first for two nights; our detailed itinerary is forthcoming!

Helloooooooo, cowboys!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

And I Feel Fine..?

Google Reader, which I have become obsessed with as I flat out refuse to watch the news on the tele and/or read a newspaper (because they make my fingers dirty), passed along this interesting little tidbit regarding Cern's Large Hadron Collider to my inbox this morning.

Now, prior to settling my butt on the couch for one entire Sunday afternoon spent dutifully watching the entire Apocolypse Special on the History Channel, I truly had no idea what a black hole was. Nor was I aware that Nostradamus, and countless other prophets and ancient civilizations, had predicted the coming "End of Days" which is supposedly set to occur in December of 2012. Coincidence? I think not.

I think it's safe to say that we, as a civilization of people who absolutely need this world as it is to survive, should be a wee bit nervous when this thing gets turned on. On a personal level, I am not ready to be sucked into a giant black hole, nor am I prepared to watch the rest of the planet get sucked into said black hole.

Some people just like to push the envelope as far as possible, I suppose. But, hey, they'll be the first to go, right? Standing there with their protective goggles and scientist suits on. At least the smart will die first. HA. Seriously though, if you're not sure that the world won't end when you flip the little green button (ready, set, GO!), why would you even flip it in the first place?

On a slight side note, see this for five other possible ways that the world could end, and then please procede to have a HAPPY TUESDAY!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Beefy Heaven

I am literally drooling over this.

If I don't gain twenty pounds eating lamb riblets, pulled pork sandwiches, and slabs of beef ribs smothered in BBQ sauce while in Memphis, it will be an utter miracle.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Interesting, humorous article in this week's Phoenix.

Honestly though, where else could a world obsessed with social networking ever go but backwards, reverting to the mistakes of our adolescence?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Here Comes Your Man

Let's here it for the only man I can always count on, the one man who never lets me down, and the one man who keeps me smiling regardless of how shitty my day and/or week has been:

He may be small, he may not speak very much English, he may make a mess wherever he goes and he may shit his pants on occasion, but he's still the best dude in the whole world.

Animal Collective

One of the strangest and little-known (at least in my hometown) bands of all time, but also one of the most epic, the most polarizing, a sound that will quite literally knock your breath away. You'll either love them, or you'll hate them, but I truly believe that if you do not give their new album, "Merriweather Post Pavilion" at least one listen, you are missing out on what is sure to be one of the best albums of 2009.

Now, I know you'll say "Hey, Jenna, isn't that a bit premature, considering we're only 24 day into this year?" My response, "Shut the f*ck up and listen."

The clashing synth's, bassy and beat-driven, may nearly drown out the lyrics on almost all of their tunes, but once you catch just one wisp of those sung tongs (get it?) you'll be feverishly Googling their lyrics to read it for yourself. "What the f*ck did he just say!?"

Okay, I'll stop sounding so pushy and end with this: pick this album up, get it on vinyl, DL it on Itunes, whatever your M.O. may be. JUST DO IT. And if, for some odd reason (like, oh, maybe the recession or something) you can't afford it, shoot me an e-mail and I'd be happy to illegally burn you a copy.

Just feel it, man.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Southern Ideals

Got a big vacation coming up; Feb. 14th thru the 22nd I will be roadtrippin' through the south! I've got a friend living in Whitwell, Tennessee aka. Bumblefuck City, Tennessee. Rather than pay $400 for 10 hours of traveling via airports, we have decided to rent a car and experience the 17 hour drive. After a day or two in Bumblefuck, we shall be making our way down to Memphis, the home of the Delta Blues!

I'm totally stoked for the adventure, it's the sort of thing I live for; traveling, seeing the world and having nothing at all to do, no deadlines, no projects, nothing! This is why I need a super-cush job, making lots of dough; so I can travel, travel, travel!

So long work, so long Boston, so long normal life.. I'm headed to the dirrrrty south for a week of BBQ and homegrown beers!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Paradise Island?

So, basically, the only reason that I maintain Yahoo! as my current homepage at work, is the daily onslaught of often trivial, and often ridiculous, news articles. Mostly everything they shove in your face is ultimately worthless, until this little gem popped up:

I'm absolutely DYING to apply, but everytime I click on the link which supposedly refers you to their application, I get an error message. now I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that Yahoo! is advertising this thing more than the coming of the 2012 apocolypse (sp?).

In short, thank you Yahoo! for ruining my chances at a happy, and restful, life.

EDIT/UPDATE: I've been informed that the tele news ran this article as well. Clearly, I have not a shot in hell.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Nine to Five

And bored already.

Honestly, having nearly two weeks off of work (and spending much of it in a drunken alternative reality) is not exactly a good thing.

I just feel particularly resentful towards my boss today, and it's most likely due to the fact that I haven't had to see his face in two whole, glorious weeks. Not that's he so bad or anything, but I'm just sayin'.