Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Paradise Island?

So, basically, the only reason that I maintain Yahoo! as my current homepage at work, is the daily onslaught of often trivial, and often ridiculous, news articles. Mostly everything they shove in your face is ultimately worthless, until this little gem popped up:


I'm absolutely DYING to apply, but everytime I click on the link which supposedly refers you to their application, I get an error message. now I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that Yahoo! is advertising this thing more than the coming of the 2012 apocolypse (sp?).

In short, thank you Yahoo! for ruining my chances at a happy, and restful, life.

EDIT/UPDATE: I've been informed that the tele news ran this article as well. Clearly, I have not a shot in hell.

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